Jul 17, 2019

DIFFA 2019

Since 1984, DIFFA has emerged from a grassroots organization into a national Foundation headquartered in New York City.

DIFFA invited local and international designers to transform raw spaces into over-the-top dining environments for its annual fundraiser—DINING BY DESIGN (DBD). Co-located with the Architectural Digest Design Show, DIFFA’s signature event gathered thousands of supporters at Pier 92 in New York City to fundraise for a cause.  The event combined a worthy cause and exceptional design into a 5-day event with more than 12,000 attendees.

Along with the booth designed by Sourabh Gupta with support from Tucker Robbins , IF Studio, Walker Ridge Construction, the cloud lights were designed and handcrafted exclusively by Sourabh Gupta on a very short notice. 

See here more about the event. 

A successful dinner at the end of 5 day long event with some of the sponsors and the guests for Booth #8.